
Shorttrack doesnt need a forum

Sometimes I think it would be great to start a forum for shorttrack riders so people could discuss stuff and encourage new people to race.

Then I read the Grasstrack forum and think maybe not

For example read this (worth reading all the answers)
I am a member of a rallyraid forum no one bitchs on that so I guess it must just be oval racers. Anyway the GT forum is bitchy for sure. Surely they would be better getting on with racing before it becomes extinct.
Anyway here is a picture of Lew Coffin to cheer them all up.


Anonymous said...

oooooh bitchy wankers!

Anonymous said...

it's sad to hear fellow dirt riders bad mouthing us, being a fan of all bikesport, i find it hard to understand. we have good meetings and bad meetings same as everybody.
i love it all good or bad!!!
stevie 28

Anonymous said...

man you were right!, ive jus been broesing through that forum, what a shame, i think it's only a couple o moanin minnies makin it look worse than it is thou. hopefully most people readin it will come along and make their own minds up!!.
stevie 28

Anonymous said...

I put in a plug for Short Track & Co-Builtlast night along with Amman valley.