
Southern Practice on those cold winter evenings

I a trying pretty  for hard to get a group of riders together shorttrack practice in the south. So far interest is minimal. I have a great indoor venue sorted where we can ride on weeknights after xmas for £20 for 3 hours. We can set up an oval for minibikes and possible even full size bikes after a couple of visits (its certainly big enough)

We need a minium of 6 riders to get things going so far I have only 3.

The venue is just off the M4 at Chippenham.

Mail me if your interested usefultone@hotmail.com or ring 07834971715 pretty much any small capacity big will do to start with.


Sideburn Magazine said...

of course I'm up for this Anthony.
& my Mum lives in Chippenham so maybe I can get her to bring out tea & flapjacks at half-time

Paul said...

I'm in!

Anonymous said...

i might be able to get down a couple o times, if i can syphon off enough diesel!!!.

#118 Ronald said...
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#118 Ronald said...

Going to get the hang of this dohh. I am around again the 4e of jan count me in after that. Ronald

Anonymous said...

Is that one of your 100cc play bikes ?



We are of course up for this dude , rach too !