
Early 90s

I was chattin with Wayne Drake at a short track round last year, we released we used to race together Grasstrack some 20 years ago. I have posted GT pictures of my RTS jawa before but here are some wayne found of him. And a cutting showing he was just as able to show me how to ride then as he is now! Actually looking at the cutting he beat me on his 250.


Drakey72 said...

Might have to start looking for a Bultaco framer after ammanford if you beat me like you did at oxford!!

Anonymous said...

still the same kevlars aswell!.
they must soon be an archaeological garment!!!.

Paul said...

Kool leathers!

Guy #97 said...

...wish I could get into my leathers from the 90's! Still got them, always been an optimist...